2023 End of Year Update

When 2023 began we had signed a five-year lease on the school property and began an upgrade. I had not realized the dilapidated condition of the facility, or I think I would have passed it up.

However, I was told, no matter how run down, it was better than where they came from. It’s hard to imagine the living conditions most of our students endure but I knew it to be true. A major refurbishment was begun with three weeks to complete before the school year would begin again. The students and staff returned on January 28th to find a vastly different environment.

A few of the updates included new windowpanes being installed, new beds and bedding, purchase of new desks and the repair of some that were able to be salvaged. New plaster and painting of all buildings inside and outside, as well as new replastered floors in all buildings. The teachers lounge was completely refurbished, which included the floors being repaired, new desks & tables purchased, and the addition of storage units. We were also able to provide all teachers with newly purchased desks in their classrooms, and new tables and chairs for the multi-purpose room.  

Shower rooms and toilets were installed at the dormitories for the students, and we also did a major repair to the latrines as well as the installation of an upgraded toilet for the teachers.

After the completion of the refurbishment, and before the start of the new school year, we were blessed to be able to purchase new books and supplies for all the classrooms and students. The students also received uniforms as needed per child, and most of the daily shopping supplies needed for hygiene.

Lastly, the sound system was purchased and installed for the multipurpose room. The grounds were cleaned and groomed to welcome visitors from the United States and other areas of Kenya for the dedication weekend.

On October 27, 2023, The Tabitha Outreach Foundation Academy was officially registered and recognized by the government of Kenya.

Thank you to all our doners, board members, prayer worriers, teachers, staff, and students for a fabulous year!!

A very big Thank You goes out to Their Daily Bread, for the donation of a new temporary kitchen that was built and supplied.

This is one photo from our recent trip to Kenya. More to come!


Support of School Property Purchase